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AFB Bank OJSC, licensed  №253 by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan on November 28, 2008, has been operating since February 16, 2009.

Pursuant to Article 19 of the Law on Banks, AFB Bank was established as an Open Joint Stock Company as a Bank.

As one of the subjects of the Azerbaijani banking market, AFB Bank Open Joint Stock Company, in addition to supporting the country's economy and the monetary policy of our government, always prefers efficient and restrained, low-risk and measured activities aimed at dynamic development. The term of the bank is not limited in time.

The Bank is engaged in all types of activities not prohibited by the banking license obtained from the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

About shareholders


Current shareholding %

Ismayılov Hikmat Abuzar


Muradov Jamil Tahir


Haciyev Togrul Ulvi oglu




Contact number
  • Address

    Baku city, Yasamal district, Nariman Narimanov avenue, 206/466

Our mission and corporate values

Our mission

Our aims are to build long-term partnerships and contribute to the development of society by providing innovative products and services that are constantly updated with a highly professional approach to each customer on an individual approach.


Our corporate values

Integrity - The Bank is sincere, honest, trustworthy and responsible to its customers and all other partners, adheres to the most advanced ethical standards adopted in the country.

Customer Satisfaction - The Bank's activities are based on customer satisfaction and the goal is to build long-term partnerships with them. When we say a customer, we mean both internal and external customer satisfaction.

Teamwork - The Bank's staff acts as a single team, ensuring the joint implementation of the goals set for them.

Sustainable development - The Bank creates conditions for the continuous development of both technological processes and staff, invests and ensures the application of the latest technologies. The Bank pays special attention to staff development.

Results-oriented - The Bank's employees focus on results in their activities, work on the principle of "concrete results" and not "do business", protect the assets of the Bank's investors and increase their value.

Care - The Bank ensures employee satisfaction based on the most advanced methods of human resource management, evaluates "each person according to the results".

Environmental protection - The Bank and its team protect the environment in their activities and pay special attention to the environmental factor, especially in the financing of projects.

Agility - The Bank provides efficiency in all areas of management, responds quickly to changes in the market.

Transparency - Transparency is based on all areas of the Bank's activities, taking into account trade and banking secrets.

Thrift - The Bank's employees use its assets and resources sparingly, avoid waste and promote it.

Loyalty - The Bank maintains loyalty to its employees and customers and takes all necessary measures to make this loyalty reciprocal.



AFB Bank OJSC is also registered on the electronic portal of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in accordance with the requirements of FATCA.

AFB Bank OJSC is also a financial institution reporting under FATCA status: Model 1 IGA

Bank Global Identification Number (GIIN): - YZ908R.99999.SL.031

The primary purpose of FATCA is to ensure that new procedures for documenting and reporting customers to financial institutions, such as banks, such as identifying US taxpayers (“US Individuals”), are followed. According to the agreement, in accordance with the requirements of FATCA, the rules of admission of new clients came into force on July 1, 2014. However, accounts opened before July 1, 2014 are also required to be verified based on certain parameters.

Under the agreement, the bank, which is obliged to report to the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan in connection with US entities, will do the following on the basis of documents and information submitted to the bank to determine the customer's FATCA status:

   - Assess the client's FATCA status;

   - Identify US Signs (eg US address, US phone number, or US place of birth listed on the account documents) and make appropriate adjustments as needed. In this regard, the client may need to provide additional information (for example, US forms called "W-8-BEN", "W-8-BEN I for Legal Entities" or "W9" to confirm the status of FATCA).

   - If the customer is considered US Private under FATCA requirements (or the bank does not provide the documents required to classify the customer's account for FATCA purposes), the information on the bank's existing accounts will be forwarded to the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan. ) will be presented. No information is required about non-US individuals.   

For more information on FATCA, please visit the IRS website ( or the FATCA section of the official website of the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan ( international & cat = 92).

You can get acquainted with the content of the application forms by following the links below.

W8 Ben           W8 Ben-E         W9