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"AFB BANK OJSC" announces a tender for repair and electrical work.

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Date of the month:

07 Jan, 2022

Number of views:

5512 people

AFB BANK Open Joint Stock Company


Name of the tender: Repair work in the Head Office, branches and departments of “AFB BANK”

Tender announcement date: 07.01.2021

Last date of the tender: 11.01.2021

Services to be procured: Repair and electrical works in Head Office, Narimanov branch, Gabala branch, 1, 2, 3 and 4 departments


Companies wishing to participate in the tender are required to have at least 2 (two) years of experience in the field of service.

Documents to be submitted for participation in the tender:

  • full name, legal status, charter, country of registration and bank details of the bidder;
    the tender proposal must be valid until 31.01.2022;

Based on the written request of the companies wishing to participate in the tender to , a list of materials and work to be done will be submitted.


The following criteria will be given priority in the evaluation of bids:

  • Optimal price offer;
  • Organization of documentation as required;
  • Timely and correct execution of the order;

Tender proposals must be prepared in the Azerbaijani language. The proposal must specify the terms of payment, warranty period and conditions, tax conditions. Proposals should be signed and sealed by 11.01.2022 and sent in a sealed envelope by post (Baku, Yasamal district, N.Narimanov ave. 206/466) to Vusal Mehdiyev's address. .mehdiyev @ or contact Vusal Mehdiyev (050 290 10 66).

Date of the month:

07 Jan, 2022

Number of views:

5512 people

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